The Christmas Cheer of Subpoenas

Here’s hoping the big man brings you everything you deserve this holiday season... 😳🙈🙄😬😏 —- Holiday #doodletime is getting a bit contentious ‘round the Claus household. Wonder if it’s any better in Mar-a-Lago .     . . #santa #holidaycheer #cartoon #politicalcartoon #hohoho #christmas #present #illustration #derpheads #abclark #cartoonist #christmascard #legalhumor #maralago

2022-03-13T17:04:15-05:00March 13th, 2019|Categories: #Derpheads, Cartoons|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Christmas Cheer of Subpoenas

Space Force Cartoon – Space FARCE?

Space Force Cartoon - Space FARCE? Okay...  I SWEAR this will be the last political cartoon posted for a while. I did this one after heir fRump's recent announcement for the development of a U.S. Space Force? I get it...  New frontiers and all, right? For a guy who inspires tiki-torch wielding white supremacists, this [...]

2022-03-13T17:13:25-05:00August 9th, 2018|Categories: #Derpheads, Cartoons|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Space Force Cartoon – Space FARCE?

Shock & Awe North Korea Cartoon

Shock & Awe North Korea Cartoon I normally try to stay away from overtly political cartoons, but the current administration is making it too easy to call-out. So where DO we stand? For or against? Are we still "At War?" ... no...  really, I'd like to know.

2022-03-13T17:13:48-05:00August 6th, 2018|Categories: #Derpheads, Cartoons|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Shock & Awe North Korea Cartoon

Comrade Contemplation – Adobe Draw – Cartoon

Just a quick cartoon for this evening, reflecting on the recent situations in our political environment and the results of the Alabama State Senate Election results. While, normally, I'm not inclined to political satire, it just seems so easy these days. As I wrote on Instagram: Seriously... all that hard work down the drain. Almost [...]

2022-03-13T17:23:56-05:00December 14th, 2017|Categories: #Derpheads, Cartoons|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Comrade Contemplation – Adobe Draw – Cartoon

Bush In 04 – June, 2004

I actually had to look up how to spell Baghdad...  That's how political I am.this, of course was at the tail end (no pun intended) of the search for Sadaam in Baghdad. It saturated the news. It was in every pore of the media and broadcast communications. While the war was questionable, you can probably [...]

2022-03-13T17:30:22-05:00June 20th, 2004|Categories: Cartoon Roughs, Sketchbook|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Bush In 04 – June, 2004

BLAH – November 4, 2003

click for larger image Two things I try to never bring up in public Religion Politics But for some reason, many of my favorite cartoonists are political satirists. I love the art of Berkeley Breathed and Ding Darling (yes, I know, BIG difference in styles and years). Maybe my admiration of those two [...]

2022-03-13T17:30:51-05:00November 4th, 2003|Categories: Cartoon Roughs, Sketchbook|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on BLAH – November 4, 2003
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