All great artists have a signature.
From grade school on, in the hopes of one day being “A Great Artist,” I practiced mine. Printed. Cursive. Big, Loopy Scribbles. Fine, Meticulous Shapes. Every style and every option imaginable adorned every “writing” surface I could find (to my teachers’ chagrin). Because, ultimately, I knew it would go on everything I would create.
That’s where it all started. Central Iowa-based and educated in illustration and photography, I ended up choosing the marketing world to make a living (“Starving artist” never appealed to me). It’s art and creativity that brings me back, centering me on who and what I am meant to be.
Like my signature, the art I produce is uniquely me. From the silly and somewhat absurd #derpheads cartoons and illustrations of all styles, to fine art and product photography, creative writing and more, destiny chose me to be creative, to be an artist.
See. Create. Connect.
It may sound cliché, but I try to see the wonder in everything around me. Whether I document it through photography, it becomes the inspiration for a new illustration, or it leads me to crafting a new story or poem, it’s all part and parcel of my art.
Beauty is all around you. You just need to be willing to see it.
The moment I picked up my first 35mm camera, a Ricoh CR-5, I knew I was on to a communication tool that would change not only my life, but the lives of those around me. Photography and my world of image-making had brought my passion for creativity full circle.
I’ve since moved on to various 35mm and medium format film cameras as well as digital (DSLR) formats and more.
From black and white or color, fine art photography, landscape and architectural images, to product / studio photography, there isn’t a format and style I don’t enjoy shooting.
Digital illustration or conventional, putting line to paper is where everything starts. Intentional in applying the principles of drawing & illustration, I’ve built a base for my own style of portraiture, digital painting (Adobe Fresco / Procreate) and illustrative image-making.
My illustrations focus on accurate representation of the subject matter. High attention is paid to detail, often with an intentional twist of color or line work that brings the viewer out of their comfort zone to see the image from a new perspective.
My “Cartooning” has many styles. While I always aspired to work in the styles of Berkeley Breathed (Bloom County) or Gary Larson (The Far Side), two amazing and distinct cartoonists, I’d have to say my biggest influence comes from Don Martin of Mad Magazine fame. Martin and his team took cartooning, caricatures and illustrations to a whole new universe. From Spy VS. Spy to Captain Klutz and the entire Mad world, my eyes, heart, and mind (for better or worse) never quite got over MAD.
Today my main style of cartoon is what I’ve called #DerpHeads – grotesque characteristics of portraits simply and quickly drawn with some kind of snappy punch line. While I still play with more illustrative and full figured cartoons, these #DerpHeads seem to be the core of my Cartooning product.
Sometimes creating an image just doesn’t cut it when I have an idea rolling around in my head. I hear words and phrases in rhythms and rhymes that need to be expressed. So, from an early age, writing and expressing my creativity through prose and poetry was a perfect solution.
Influenced by a range of authors, poets and journalists, from Kurt Vonnegut and Edgar Allen Poe, to Dr. Seuss, Stephen King, Maya Angelou, Shel Silverstiein, and Dan Rather the styles and genres I write in are wide ranging and diverse. More for myself than for the world, my creative writing is free-flow, stream of consciousness that I try to work into meaningful connections for the reader, whomever that may be. ;)
Aaaaah, yes… The business side of creativity.I’ll have more on my marketing communications portfolio soon. For now, you can click the link below to jump to my LinkedIn page and more of the “Professional” side of ABClark. ;)
All portfolios are currently being updated. Please check back for new work soon.
All portfolios are currently being updated. Please check back for new work soon.
All portfolios are currently being updated. Please check back for new work soon.
All portfolios are currently being updated. Please check back for new work soon.
I talk a lot about making connections. This is where it all happens.
Whether you have a question about my art on this site, posted on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, or if you have shop question or commission request, this is where we start.
Please fill out the form below and I’ll personally get back to you as soon as possible. — THANKS!