Patiently – Black and White Calla Lily Photo

All images and content are © Copyright - Andrew B. Clark and can not be reproduced without the consent of the artist. - Click the image to view larger in your browser Patiently There’s a song out there. So soft and lonely, it waits, Patiently for love. —ABC062824 PURCHASE PRINTS

2024-07-05T09:41:43-05:00July 5th, 2024|Categories: Photography|Tags: , |Comments Off on Patiently – Black and White Calla Lily Photo

First Dance – Peace Lily Black & White Photo

All images and content are © Copyright - Andrew B. Clark and can not be reproduced without the consent of the artist. First Dance Through shadows shone her perfect light Of love and laughter, pure delight. Our hearts danced off a silent pace, Lost in time, in love, and space. —ABC041224 . A [...]

2024-07-05T09:38:52-05:00July 5th, 2024|Categories: Photography|Tags: , |Comments Off on First Dance – Peace Lily Black & White Photo

Nature Photography – Dandelion Detail

Yes, I’m that weird neighbor you’ll catch laying in the back yard playing with dandelions. … I caught this full bloom this afternoon and, before the wind had its way with her, I wanted to document its stunning beauty. I’ve included a couple tight closeup crops to show you what I’m seeing as [...]

Chicago Theater Marquee Photo

Click to view full-screen. I love new print day. Being a former pressman and darkroom technician, I get a bit particular with my personal art and prints. Black and white photos are often printed locally, with some of my favorite vendors, but color images are usually sent out to online sources. I seem [...]

2023-04-18T16:24:27-05:00April 18th, 2023|Categories: Photography|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Chicago Theater Marquee Photo

BIG FOOD SERIES: Keys to Nature

I can't get over the beautiful detail in the dandelion and the matronly lady perched above. The slight hint of foreground peaking in on the left brings everything back to center... I may like this one better... What are your thoughts? Shot digital Nikon D7100 - 90mm Macro ISO 400, F/7.1, 1/80sec Over the next [...]

2022-04-02T15:39:15-05:00April 2nd, 2022|Categories: Photography|Comments Off on BIG FOOD SERIES: Keys to Nature


That surprise you had the first time you bit into a peanut M&M? Yeah... Bags of things were so prevalent when I was in grade school, I'm shocked anyone lived past 4th grade. Or did they? 🤣 Shot digital Nikon D7100 ISO125, 90mm Macro, f13, 1/40s - Cropped and processed in Photoshop. Over the next [...]

2022-04-02T15:26:59-05:00April 28th, 2020|Categories: Photography|Comments Off on BIG FOOD SERIES: Little Nut


I can just hear it... "Quick, Marsha, I got one... take the picture!" The days of touring the Cheeto fields and milling about with the endangered prehistoric Cheetosaurs is long gone, but we have our photos for memories, right? Hope you're ready for a few of these from the BIG FOOD series. I had some [...]

2022-04-02T15:23:08-05:00April 26th, 2020|Categories: Photography|Comments Off on BIG FOOD SERIES: The Big Cheese


New... BIG FOOD Series. I was playing a bit with the miniatures again yesterday. A push into a little more surreal fun in the studio yesterday. She looked so regal. Love the color and depth. Shot digital Nikon D7100 ISO125, 90mm Macro, f8, 1/160 - Cropped and processed in Photoshop. Over the next few weeks, [...]

2022-04-02T15:19:00-05:00April 12th, 2020|Categories: Photography|Comments Off on BIG FOOD SERIES Candy Queen
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